NTFS Recovery

Posted by Ricky Sears to Partition Recovery Articles
A disk volume containing valuable info was damaged due to a system malfunction.
A disk volume was damaged due by a dangerous virus.
Windows cannot access a disk drive.
Disk was damaged.
You have mistakenly formatted a disk volume.
Files or folders are not readable.
Corrupt or damaged partition table.
Data Recovery Wizard - NTFS File Recovery Software is a NON-DESTRUCTIVE and READ ONLY file recovery utility that helps you in recovering your all-important data lost after an accidental format, virus problems, software malfunction, file or directory deletion, or even sabotage! Data Recovery Wizard Professional is an easy to use NTFS Partition Recovery Utility which examines your inaccessible hard drive for damages and corruption's and recover the data back.
Key Features:
NTFS Data Recovery software provides recovery of deleted files and folders even after recycle bin has been emptied or use of Shift+Del key.
Provides partition recovery from deleted partition or formatted logical drives.
Provides Data Recovery from Missing or Lost folders.
Performs NTFS data recovery after corruption of critical system data area structures like MFT record.
Recognizes and preserves long file names when restoring files & folders.
Multi-Disk Drive Support - Performs NTFS partition recovery on all IDE, EIDE, SCSI and SATA disk devices.
Data Recovery Wizard Professional supports Dynamic Disk and EXT2/EXT3 file system.
Advanced search options for file search and file filter for selected recovery of files and folders.